Milí priatelia Švajčiarska.   Kliknutín na tento oznam si môžete prečítať aktuálny newsletter Switzerland Tourism. ...

Save the Date - Back to Business


Swiss Evening after Corona pause.

Members and friends of the Swiss-Slovak Chamber of Commerce could finally again, after covid break, enjoy the Swiss Evening with Smooth Saxophone music and breathtaking view of Bratislava from the 13th floorof the Lindne ...

CEE-Swiss Impulse Session "How to be the most innovative country in the world?

Dávame do pozornosti zaujímavé partnerské podutatie. Dear Members & Partners, we would like to kindly invite you to the next online event with our partners, Chamber of Commerce S ...

Donation Ceremony

Swiss-Slovak Chamber of Commerce has joined the partnership „10 000trees for Bratislava”  and donated  Bratislava a tree, to commemoratesymbolically the 20th anniversary of the Chamber."Our tree" is planted in Pruger-Wal ...


Milí priatelia Švajčiarska.   Kliknutín na tento oznam si môžete prečítať aktuálny newsletter Switzerland Tourism. ...

SEC Monthly

For the latest information from our partner Chamber of Commerce Switzerland - Central Europe go to Swisstrade ...

President Zuzana Čaputová became the first head of state of the Slovak Republic to pay a State Visit to Switzerland.

Swiss President Ignazio Cassis received Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová with the highest honours. The President has been accompanied by a business delegation – representatives of Sl ...

Einladung - Swiss Evening



Milí priatelia Švajčiarska.   Kliknutín na tento oznam si môžete prečítať aktuálny newsletter Switzerland Tourism. ...

Označovanie potravín Nutri-Score na prednej strane obalov podporuje zdravšiu výživu

Slovensko, podobne ako iné vyspelé krajiny, je zasiahnuté významným nárastom obezity, onkologických a kardiovaskulárnych ochorení a ďalších zdravotných problémov, ktoré priamo súvisia so stravovacími návykmi. Pre ...

More than 20 years

Die Handelskammer Schweiz Slowakische Republik feierte ihr 20-jähriges Jubiläum in den Räumlichkeiten des Primatialpalais in Bratislava. Dank ihren Mitgliedern und Unterstützern, aber auch dank der Zusammenarbeit mit der ...


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